Richmond Highland Games 2022 Piping & Drumming Competition

By Richmond Highland Games (other events)

Saturday, October 29 2022 8:00 AM 6:00 PM EST

Piping and Drumming Competition will be held Saturday, 29 October, beginning at 9:00am.  Competition schedule will be emailed prior to the event.  Parking will be free for bands and competitors.  Last day to register is Saturday, 15 October.

PIPE BANDS:  Send rosters of participating band members to Jay Wells ([email protected]) no later than Sunday, 16 October.  Tickets will be issued to participating members only.  Bands must participate in the opening ceremony massed bands.  Bands that register by the deadline and participate in band competition will be eligible for travel cost assistance based on one-way mileage to the competition field.  Travel reimbursement is as follows:

  • 25 to 75 miles:  $100
  • 76 to 150 miles:  $150
  • 151 to 300 miles:  $250
  • 301+ miles:  $300

Special thanks in advance to our judges and stewards; we will post their names here prior to the festival.



1. EUSPBA rules will apply. Decisions by judges, stewards, and the Piping and Drumming Committee are final.

2. All competitors must wear appropriate Highland attire.

3. Judges are ineligible to compete.

4. Band representatives meeting and draw for order of play will be held at 10:00 a.m.

5. Medals will be awarded in individual piping and drumming events.

6. Competition organizers reserve the right to refuse any entry.

7. Competition organizers can cancel any event for which insufficient entries are received.